Online drumming lessons
and resources
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Online drumming course and book
Is it hard to learn to play the drums?
If you want to learn to play any instrument, the best thing to do is to find a great course.
You are in luck, you just found one!
The course and book is an easy way to learn to play the drums the best way from the start.
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Introduction to the online drumming course
In this introduction video, I explain the format of the online drumming lessons. I also give advice about drumming in general and how to practice. Plus I give book recommendations.

Pascal Zrour - your personal drum coach
When I was learning to play something new on the drums, I was always thinking that there must be a simple trick to be able to play anything that you want. I was struggling with keeping a steady right hand while my right foot is playing difficult bass drum rhythms. When I found out that there is a trick to it, my playing ability went through the roof. I just had to know how to coordinate my movements and understand exactly what is going on when you play the drums, from a simple beat to complex chops. In my online drumming course, I demonstrate how this works, so you too can play anything you want.

Drumming, the heartbeat of life
“Drumming is the oldest form of expression with sound and rhythm. The musical expression of rhythm by drumming comes directly from the heart. The heart’s action, of pumping blood, pours rhythm into the body of every person, young and old. We can all relate to the rhythms that drummers produce, and it can make us want to dance. Whether it is a stick being beaten against a hollow tree trunk or a full modern drumkit, drumming is the heart of music. Without a drummer, there is no music, and the heart’s rhythm is literally the core of the music. And with a drumbeat comes a message: dance, sing and be happy.”
-Pascal Zrour-
Will I have acces to all the video's at once?
Yes, for now it is not yet possible to drip feed the course.
However, my advice is to have at least 5 days of practice between every lesson.
Is this course for beginners only?
No. Even if you are a long time player, this course will give you great insight into the fine details and techniques of drumming. This will help every drummer of every level.
Do I need a drum set before I start the course?
No. All you need to start is a pair of drum sticks. Even without sticks, you can start by slapping your hands on your knees and tapping your feet on the floor.
Can I learn to play the drums from an online drum course?
Yes, you can! The online drum lessons are easy and step by step. The exercises are explained and the materials are available in pdf files.
Is the course alone enough to get me started?
Yes, it will but why miss out on having a lot of material all bundeled together in a great looking book.
How long is the course?
The course holds 12 lessons with a total of almost 3 hours. With each lesson, you will get tips and documents to download.
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